Smartcasual’s New Single is Hardly Disgusting!

Best of Canberra Music with Vince Leigh

Canberra’s smartcasual, with members Toby, Blake, Ewan, and Chris, previously delivered the single Big Hands, showcasing their indie-lake-surf-rock style and drawing comparisons to The Grogans, Kingswood, The VANNS, and DICE.

The track skilfully avoided the predictable, opting for a nuanced approach with its guitar work and melodic craftsmanship, hinting at influences from ‘70s American West Coast rock and folk.

This set a compelling precedent as we delve into their latest single, Disgusting, which strikes a harmonious balance between straightforward indie rock and nuanced musical storytelling, showcasing their ability to craft tracks that are both engaging and thoughtfully constructed.

The clean guitar tones set a clear, uncluttered stage, while a standout single-note guitar riff resonates throughout, mirroring the vocal lines in a way that’s both supportive and enhancing.

The structure of Disgusting is a testament to smartcasual’s savvy understanding of tension and release. The track oscillates between pared-down verses and richer interludes that hark back to the intro, showcasing a band that’s comfortable in both restraint and exuberance.

The melodic hook is particularly memorable, employing a sweet, higher fifth that’s as inviting on the tenth listen as it is on the first. Following the hook, the song doesn’t just settle into repetition but builds on its foundation.

The return to the verse and interlude, followed by the hook’s encore, feels like a familiar journey with new sights, emphasising the band’s knack for dynamic songwriting.

Then, in a moment of reflection, a pause ushers in a fresh thematic development, reaffirming the band’s commitment to evolving their musical ideas within a single track.

The performances across Disgusting are dialled-in and resonant. Vocals not only traverse but exploit the melodic landscape, delivering with a precision that underscores the band’s collective focus. There’s a deliberate economy in the instrumentation, where the space between notes is just as potent, creating a streamlined yet impactful sonic experience.

In essence, Disgusting is a well-executed slice of smartcasual’s musical ethos, showcasing their ability to meld clarity with complexity in an alt rock format. It’s a track that stands solidly in the indie rock realm, reflecting a band that knows its strengths and plays to them with confidence and flair.

Listen to Disgusting on your fav streaming services here.

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